

Have a question about Invoice Cards? Browse this page to find the answer quickly, or contact us for a speedy reply.


How does Invoice Cards make running my freelance business easier?

Invoice Cards turns small client requests into cards you can organize, share, and invoice in one click. It improves transparency to your clients, simplifies your workflow, and helps you earn more income.

Why not use a project management app like Basecamp?

Invoice Cards is focused on tracking lots of small client requests rather than a few large projects. Most of these apps are way too complicated and rigid for everyday requests and invoicing.

Why not use an organizer app like Trello?

Invoice Cards is not a general purpose organizing tool, but one specifically designed for freelancers. There is less clutter and more cool stuff like dollar tracking, forecasting, and invoicing.

What happens when my free trial ends?

When your free trial ends you can still export your data on the Reports page. All other features are unavailable until you enroll in a monthly plan on your Account page.

What is your pricing?

Start with a 30 day free trial. Then enroll in an unlimited access subscription for only $9.95 per month.

Using Invoice Cards

Is Invoice Cards a time tracking tool?

It can be. Each card is assigned a dollar amount, so it works whether you bill hourly or flat rate.

What if I'm not sure about the dollar amount of a card?

The dollar amount may be left blank and filled in whenever you're ready.

What if there are too many boards and I am getting overwhelmed?

Your most recently used boards will appear at the top of the list. If you want to trim down the list, click the checkbox next to a board and then Archive or Delete at the top.

Archiving will move your board to the Archive page to get it out of the way, but keep all of its cards safe.

Deleting will remove your board completely and will also delete all of its cards.

How do I customize my workflow?

Set the default columns within the Settings page or update them while creating or importing boards.

Within each board, use the green icons at the top left of each column to Move or Delete the column, or rename it just by typing.


Why are my Invoice buttons invisible or faded?

Invoice buttons only appears when your board has at least one finished, billable card.

How do I send an invoice with Invoice Cards?

Click the Invoice button within your board or on the Boards page. Choose your options, click Send, and Invoice Cards will turn your finished cards into an invoice.

View past invoices on the Invoices page and mark them paid when the money comes in.

What does the Invoice All button do, exactly?

Invoice All generates a separate invoice for each board including all of its finished items.

When invoicing with Invoice Cards, this option will only send to clients for which a client email has been saved.

What if I'm already using FreshBooks for invoicing?

With Invoice Cards you can import your FreshBooks clients and generate FreshBooks invoices in one click.

All it takes it a one-time setup on your FreshBooks connection page.